All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for Animation implementations.
A Window that uses both top and player Inventory.
The abstract base class of all Gui implementations.
A builder for AbstractGuis.
An abstract implementation of the Item interface.
Abstract base class for item builders.
A Window where top and player Inventory are affected by the same Gui.
A Gui with pages.
Builder for AbstractPagedGui.
A scrollable Gui
Builder for AbstractScrollGuis.
A Window that just uses the top Inventory.
Builder for a AbstractSingleWindow.
Abstract base class for animations that may use the entity pickup sound when displaying a slot.
A Window where top and player Inventory are affected by different Guis.
Builder for AbstractSplitWindow.
A Gui with tabs.
The abstract base class of all Window implementations.
Builder for a AbstractWindow.
Hides and shows slots in a Gui in a specific order.
A Window that uses an anvil inventory.
An AnvilWindow builder.
A single AnvilWindow builder.
A split AnvilWindow builder.
An Item that creates it's ItemProvider asynchronously and displays a placeholder ItemProvider until the actual ItemProvider has been created.
An Item that automatically cycles through a predefined array of ItemProvider at a predefined speed.
An Item that updates its ItemProvider every specified amount of ticks.
A Window that uses a cartography table inventory.
A single CartographyWindow builder.
A split CartographyWindow builder.
An animation that shows the slots column by column, from left to right.
An Item that will force a player to run a command or say something in the chat when clicked.
An Inventory which is composed of multiple other Inventories.
A special type of Item that stores the Gui in which it is displayed.
An Item that cycles through a predefined array of ItemProviders when clicked.
A Gui is a container for width * height SlotElements.
Each SlotElement can either be an Item, a reference to a Inventory's or another Gui's slot index.
A Gui is not an Inventory, nor does it access one.
A Gui builder.
A normal Gui builder.
An animation that moves like a snake in horizontal direction, starting from (0,0) then moving all the way right, one down, all the way left and repeat.
An inventory that can be embedded in InvUI's Guis.
An event that is called after the Inventory has been updated.
An event that is called whenever a slot inside a Inventory gets updated.
An ItemProvider that just returns the ItemStack passed to it in the constructor regardless of the players uuid.
Used to mark slots in a Structure as special slots.
Registry class for default markers
An Inventory that delegates to another Inventory while hiding certain slots.
A Gui that can display multiple pages of content.
A PagedGui builder.
Switches between pages in a AbstractPagedGui
An animation that lets the slots pop up in a random order.
A Inventory which is backed by a bukkit Inventory.
An animation that shows the slots row by row, from top to bottom.
A ScrollGui builder.
Scrolls in a AbstractScrollGui
An animation that shows the slots sequentially, ordered by their index.
A simple Item that does nothing.
Contains the texture value for a player head.
Links to a slot in a Inventory
Contains an Item
Links to a slot in another Gui
An animation that shows the slots sequentially from both directions.
Provides an easy way to design Guis.
A TabGui builder.
Switches between tabs in a AbstractTabGui
An animation that moves like a snake in vertical direction, starting from (0,0) then moving all the way down, one to the side, all the way up and repeat.
A serializable Inventory implementation that is identified by a UUID and backed by a simple ItemStack array.
Automatically reads and writes VirtualInventories to files when the server starts and stops.
A Window is the way to show a player a Gui.
A Window builder.
A double Window builder.
A normal Window builder for Windows of inventories with no special functionality, such as chests, hoppers and droppers.
A normal merged Window builder.
A normal single Window builder.
A normal split Window builder.
A single Window builder.
Manages all Windows and provides methods for searching them.