Class AbstractSplitWindow

All Implemented Interfaces:
GuiParent, Window

public abstract class AbstractSplitWindow extends AbstractDoubleWindow
A Window where top and player Inventory are affected by different Guis.

Only in very rare circumstances should this class be used directly. Instead, use Window.split() to create such a Window.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSplitWindow

      public AbstractSplitWindow(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, xyz.xenondevs.inventoryaccess.component.ComponentWrapper title, AbstractGui upperGui, AbstractGui lowerGui, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory upperInventory, boolean closeable)
      Creates a new AbstractSplitWindow.
      player - The Player that views the window.
      title - The title of the window.
      upperGui - The Gui of the upper part of the window.
      lowerGui - The Gui of the lower part of the window.
      upperInventory - The Inventory of the upper part of the window.
      closeable - Whether the window is closeable.
  • Method Details